Monday, November 28, 2011

God Walks the Dark Hills
Audra Czarnikow

God walks the dark hills, the highways and byways.
He walks o'er the billows of life's troubled sea.
He walks in the cold, dark shadows of midnight --
God walks the dark hills for you and me. 

God walks the dark hills to guide my footsteps;
He walks everywhere by night and by day.
He walks in silence down the lone highway,
God walks the dark hills to show me the way. 

God walks in the storm, the rain and the sunshine,
He walks in the shadows of glimmering light;
He walks o'er the mountains, the rivers, and valleys,
God walks the dark hills to guide you and me. 

God walks in silence in the stillness of midnight,
He walks in your Garden of Gethsemane;
He walks through the halls and aisles of the Temple,
God walks the dark hills to guide you and me.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Faith Thoughts

Faith must be tested because it can turn into a personal possession only through conflict.
Like a muscle it must be flexed against resistance in order to grow stronger.  It must collide with the impossible and come out the stronger of the two.  Will God ever fail a heart of faith? I would like to know the answer to that question.  I don’t believe that He will if the heart of faith is perched upon his promises.  If it is perched on their own desires, they will be disappointed. Did God say it?  Than you can take it to the bank and cash it in.  If not; then you may swing through Divine silence. 

by: Cynthia Lott Vogel 01-09-2011

Holy Holy (lift up his name) Live, Phatfish

This song is pure worship...another GREAT one from Phatfish - an
up and coming group from the UK.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

photo by Leroy Lott
 The fragrance of Christ is like none other...
 offer the fragrance of sacrifice and prayer to the Father.....
photos by CLV

BE the Fragrance of Christ to others....

photo by CLV

And ENJOY the Fragrance of the Spirit when He shares it with you!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Selah - Unredeemed

The writer of this song must have known me...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

not because of what I've done;
but because of who You are!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

We thank you, O Lord, because you are near.
Psalm 75:1

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

End Once; Begin Forever

I was listening to the Jars of Clay album (disc 2) called "Furthermore" tonight....and God gave me the words to this poem.  It came to my mind accompanied by very clear...very specific images.  These images will have to be drawn or custom photographed as I will never be able to find things suitable, which are already in existence.  I will work on that project as God grants me time and ability.  However, I want to share the words of my poem with you tonight...a project half complete...a sneak preview if you will....

The Art of Life has passed
Leaving dry ahes of dusty Death.

Brushing the chalk lines aside,
I glimpse-beyond the
       Walls that limit me, hinder me---
A View of a Light and Life;
                 Entrancing me
                 Compelling me
                 Bidding me:
                              Hope yet
For an end to this death expanse.

Grasp it.
        Touch it.
                  Taste it

Oh God,
       Please end this  and Carry me.
Let me breathe once the unhindered air;
Dance once with unlumbared legs;
Fly once with unfettered wings; 
Laugh once with unchoked joy.

Grasp me, God, and Twirl me in a Death spiral
                                                   Life embrace
A cartwheel into freedom that now
                                                   Eludes me,
But tantalizes and entices me.
                                                   Yearn yet
For an ending
So that what has not yet started
                                                  May yet---begin.
Cynthia Lott Vogel
All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 14, 2011

Talking to Abba...

Is there a prayer
Too audacious?
          Too courageous?
Have we not bold
And Pressing need?
          Presumptuous Desire?
If God permits these,
Certainly He encourages
Us to bring them to Him
To Handle and provide!

He is our Father—
And it is the task of a father
To provide for the needs of
The children
And his delight
To respond to their desires!
But when the Father
Knows the desire to be
Destructive or
Better met by another path.
We must then yield;
Acquiescing to His more complete

Nothing pleases our Father
More than when His children
Come in trust-or
                            without delay
Bearing their requests
In the chalice of faith
To lift to their Provider
          To be filled.
The sooner and the more
Persistently we come,
The more He is pleasured.

When we walk away from
A period of panicked prayer
          In calm contentment
That the response
          Is already realized;
          To await its arrival,
We delight our Father
With the artlessness of our Trust.

When we persist through
Long periods of seeming silence
          And apparent deafness
          To our need,
Plowing through doubt;
          Barring our heart to despair;
We honor Him—
          And He strengthens us. 

As we proceed
Through long and arduous days,
                         With our hearts continually
                                     Lifted in expectation
                                 Or our minds occupied in
            Conversation with our Creator,

We grow more familiar
          With His Voice;
More alert to His hand
          As it moves on our behalf.
It is then that we can                                   
Learn—and be moved to—            
A gratitude that
                       Suffuses our spirits
   With the delight of
                               Perceiving His Holy Hand
     As it moves through
                                Our days—
                                                          Never loosening its grip.

There is nothing else
Like the companionship of a father:
The perfect combination
          Of wisdom,
and Amicable companionship.

Cynthia Lott Vogel
all rights reserved

PHATFISH - And Can It Be

From one of my favorite groups...

His love is AMAZING!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Cynthia Lott Vogel

O Adonai of the universe—Where are You?
I see Your hand all around me, the evidence of your gifts;
The footsteps of Your path form craggy ridges, crystal ice lakes;
Your voice calls in the howl and whisper of wind;
Elohim - you leave clues all about me.  Everything encompassing me
Shouts Your Glory!
You are lofty, grand beyond grasping.
You beckon and angels do your bidding.
But Lord, El Elyon—do you know?
Is your heart stirred by broken tears?  
In the stillness, when clamor calms, I hear a whisper…
A voice, familiar and still not enough so.
El Roi, you see the tear treads of my path,
Not only do you see—You weep a duet.
El Shaddai: I have missed your presence…and that is
Lunacy because like moonlight soft
You surround my ways…There are shadows, but they are
Not obscure to you.  They merely enhance
The luminescence of Your Presence.
When we commune; when my soul rises
Above its own height in worship….
Then my heart sings the descant to the
Gloria sung by creation
As rocks cry out and trees clap
Attesting to the Magnitude of Majesty
That goes before and follows after You.
Tears have their place, but next to You,
In sight of Your glory, are only spawned
By uncontainable joy and sorrow at what I’ve wasted
Searching for You Who already
Possess me and encompass me about.
High time to learn to walk in the Splendor of You;
To occupy that which already owns me,
And which is mine not by right but by declaration.
To grasp and to be gripped by this High Calling
And thus to walk, nevermore alone.

His Name in My Moments

This night, a little past three thirty AM, my heart is worshiping. HIS NAME not only saves us altogether, it saves us all together, and it altogether saves! Was thinking about this tonight. The Power of HIS NAME is offered to ALL, equally. And it saves us, not only our souls, in general, but in the MOMENT. In the moment of temptation. In the moment of fear. In the moment of tragedy. In the moment of loneliness...pain...heartache...IN EVERY MOMENT, HIS NAME saves us.
I Praise you Jesus!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Come to Me

Today our sump pump died; Our car needed VERY expensive work; my laptop died; my refrigerator doesn't work right and will die altogether very soon; we need to have 3 trees cut down before they fall on our house; we have no/inadequate heat until we can afford to buy the proper system needed....Need I go on? I could you know; because there is more.

I'm feeling weary after 3 days/nights without sleep due to steroids. Weary after battling difficulty breathing for weeks; Weary after years of pain. Weary.

"Come to me O weary one and I will give you rest...
Come to me you broken one and I will give you peace...
Come find your joy...He is waiting here for you with open arms."

  • I've sought rest and relief in food. And found only guilt. And self-hatred.

  • I've sought relief in the sympathy of others...and found only loneliness.

  • I've sought peace in avoidance; and found only pain.

  • I've sought joy in.... actually I've given up on joy.

Time maybe to run into those arms which have been waiting to embrace me all along and to soothe my troubled heart in his smile.

Not waiting for me with condemnation for making him my last choice.

but with patient love. For me.

thank you, Nan, my friend for this:  Morning Glory

Please read about my other adventures with Nan's blog on my blog Treasures from Darkness

Monday, October 3, 2011


My friend Caryn at A Disposable Woman  ( ) is sharing a memory verse every Monday...I would like to support her venture by displaying the week's memory verse here as well.  

This week it is (the NLT is the translation I have chosen to use...feel free to choose a different one...for options see ) :

Hebrews 10:35-36

New Living Translation (NLT)     
 35 So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! 36 Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.

My HOPE is in His Hands

My name is graven on His hands
My name is written on His heart ...         
One with Himself I cannot die
My soul is purchased by His blood
My life is hid with Christ on high                       
With Christ my Savior and my God!

Before the Throne of Christ Above-
lyrics copyright unknown

Saturday, October 1, 2011 that from the rising of the sun 

to the place of its setting
... may know there is none besides me.
I am the LORD, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:6
Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.

- H. Jackson Brown

Friday, September 30, 2011

Worship Central // At Your Name Video // Spirit Break Out


Who's your God??

I have sworn by my own name, and I will never go back on my word: Every knee will bow to me, and every tongue will confess allegiance to my name."  Isa. 45:23

NOW, you have a choice.........................Later, you won't.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blessings by Laura Story

From your lowest Lows.....


"Indescribable" by Laura Story

To the Highest Heights....

....And He Loves you...Indescribably.

Chris Tomlin - Take My Life

Worship: Giving Our Best

Worship is giving God the best that He has given you.
Be careful what you do with the best that you have.
Oswald Chambers