Friday, September 30, 2011

Worship Central // At Your Name Video // Spirit Break Out


Who's your God??

I have sworn by my own name, and I will never go back on my word: Every knee will bow to me, and every tongue will confess allegiance to my name."  Isa. 45:23

NOW, you have a choice.........................Later, you won't.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blessings by Laura Story

From your lowest Lows.....


"Indescribable" by Laura Story

To the Highest Heights....

....And He Loves you...Indescribably.

Chris Tomlin - Take My Life

Worship: Giving Our Best

Worship is giving God the best that He has given you.
Be careful what you do with the best that you have.
Oswald Chambers

Sunday, September 25, 2011

For a Friend Gone Home

Feeling sad this night. Mourning.  Lost a friend (heaven's gain)...and mourning too my own lost "life"--independence, usefulness, and ability to participate in the activities others take for granted.  So blog and blog's just you and me and the words I can give to you that remain.  Need to go and listen to some music now. Here is the playlist I made to comfort myself and others in times like this...go, listen, and be blessed.  Rigors of the Mind

to Sara, "Gitzen Girl" (see www.gitzengirl.blogspot,com)
Photo by my daughter: Alexa

Saturday, September 24, 2011

What a child is meant to be

Please listen to the words of this...
as you watch the story that unfolds in the video. 
It all relates to the post that follows.  Be blessed today.

In the Grip of Love

by Cynthia Lott Vogel..all Rights Reserved

Ever felt like the child in this painting?  Lost, upset, frightened...panicked even? You have nowhere to run...but to the safety of the arms of the one who loves you unalterably, determinedly, eternally. The Mother Arms of love...with the Father's ability to make it all right; that's what we find when we run with our tragedies and discouragements and fears to the arms of God.

The Bible says it like this:
"There is no one like the God of Israel. He rides across the heavens to help you, across the skies in majestic splendor. The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you." Deut. 33:26-27
 So the next time you want to cry....or scream...or hide in a closet....Run to those arms!  He is  running to meet you too...ready to wrap you in that strong, loving, sheltering embrace.

The Love of God

Friday, September 23, 2011


You’re enough for me….
Not in the sense of minimal necessity,
But of absolute repletion…
No lack,
No want.
Not mere adequacy
But absolute sufficiency.
Sometimes we cling to you in the
Death throes of life
And it seems that we can merely eke  
Through survival.
And in times more real
We are overwhelmed,
Blown over and prostrated
With the enormity—
The immensity of your
Outrageous outpouring of Love;
The excellence and repletion
Of your Sublimity.
Could not possibly be more:
No lack
Nothing else to desire
No other conceivable benefit
To be attained by any avenue.
Enough for the satisfaction and Fulfillment    
Of every desire, longing and need
Every wild wish
Every audacious askance
Every conceivable crevice,
Every aching need…
Enough to satisfy every hunger,  
Every deficit.
Could not be more;
Cannot be less.
Oh Adonai
You’re Enough for Me.

Cynthia Lott Vogel
All Rights Reserved

What Faith Sees

Faith sees the invisible, 
believes the unbelievable, 
and receives the impossible. 
- Corrie ten Boom-

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I've done a lot of "impossible" things in my lifetime...

When I was 17 someone gave me a book for left handed people to teach them how to knit.  My mom said "You can't learn to knit from a book! It's impossible!"

well, I did.  And very well too....Before long I was designing my own sweater patterns and making them.

Then I went through many years of serious depression and mental illness.  I lived in a group home, which generally is a one way ticket to hopelessness. I was thirty years old and had had as many hospitalizations in the prior 12 years as I had years lived.  I was pretty much a hopeless wreckage of a person.  NOT marriage material, to be sure.

But I met a man,...and married him.  Everyone said, "It's impossible for that relationship to survive." Well, 22 years later...we are still together and kicking.

Then two years later, I had a beautiful baby girl...something else everyone thought was completely impossible.  Not only did I raise her...but I did a pretty good job of it!

In 2000 I lost my health to a severe case of fungal pneumonia which left me with damaged lungs...At one point due to the heavy doses of IV steroids needed to save my muscles became extremely damaged....I could not even sit unassisted and was completely wheelchair bound...despite long periods in a rehab working hard.  I was finally told that I would never walk again.

But two years later...I did.

I've recovered from life threatening events such as endocarditis, double, multiple pneumonia events, and spinal meningitis as well as two bouts of MRSA and multiple surgeries which are continuing to occur.  And in each instance, I 'bounced' back. Although I am finding it harder and harder to "bounce" I am nonetheless, crawling back.

All of this is NOT  a testament to MY own strength of will or body.  It is a testimony of God's love and provision.  Yes, I still have a serious mental illness.  But I have lived a full life despite it...had successes and experiences that NO one ever thought would be possible for me.

If I had just one thing to say to the midst of whatever "impossibility" you are facing it is this:
Get to know the God of the Impossible.  He can do impossible things in you too.

Do the Impossible....



"The person who says it cannot be done 
should not interrupt the person doing it."
Chinese Proverb


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Profane Pain

by Cynthia Lott Vogel

Something is there....
It rudely elbow-shoves its way into my peaceful sleep,
Tossing aside my dreams like fist-fighting TV ninjas accost an opponent.
It screams its way through the darkness splitting the silence with an alarm shrill as an
Ambulance shrieks terror into the night.
A raucous pain as unwelcome as a 4 a.m. wake-up call.

Pain starts at my exploding head and screams its way down my spine,
Numbing my lumbar-stump legs and splitting those wooden appendages as cleanly as
An ax might fell a mighty oak.
Faith music sings into the night mocking my pain
(Or is it the other way around?)
The sweet tunes and their lilting joy oppose and are made foolish by
The unholy sacrilege of agony.
The joyful tones become the heresy
As the profanity of pain assumes the throne...
Spewing its vulgar vernacular
which then becomes my mother tongue.
A becoming as unbecoming as they come.

This is the cross:
A bloody debauchery of Promise.
A spectacle of suffering that abases every hope
of Life reigning glorious and is rather,
A revolting depravity of expectation.
It calls to question
every assumption of life and self.
And challenges every fiber of Belief in my being;
And squashes every aspiration of my future.
But those concerns are the background beat to the
Melody line of agony.
The immediate thing
to be tackled (by) is the present tensing of every fiber
and the shrill cackle of a tone-deaf singer
-to whom Music is a foreign tongue-
Who shrieks her way into my morning and
Launches the paroxysm of dance's mockery:
The convulsing contortions;
My body's gyrations to her tune
in its efforts to Find. Some. Relief. NOW.
Hand shaking top popping pill dropping
water guzzling desperate measures
come from desperate people
In desperate times of desperate need.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Shout of Joy

Paul Wilber - O shout for joy

The Little Cares

by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The little cares that fretted me,
I lost them yesterday
Among the fields above the sea,
Among the winds at play;
Among the lowing of the herds,
The rustling of the trees,
Among the singing of the birds,
The humming of the bees.

The foolish fears of what may happen--
I cast them all away
Among the clover-scented grass,
Among the new-mown hay;
Among the husking of the corn
Where drowsy poppies nod,
Where ill thoughts die and good are born,
Out in the fields with God.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Reflection of Glory

I am the moon to Your Son, bathing the sky—
A barren rockscape;
Beaming with borrowed effulgence.
May others not be dissuaded by my dark half;
But by Your luminosity in me persuaded…
As I brighten the ascending path.
Your Glory is Your passion…
May it be my fervor too!
Consume me with Your flaming light—
Change me from  a drifting clod
Into a Being that inspires creation
To accolade Elohim: living God…
As we all revolve ‘round Illumination.

Sept 8, 2004
Revised in 2008
CLV All Rights Reserved

...And Glory Floods my Soul....

The Morning Light Inspires, Cleanses me

Upon Further Reflection....   

"You JUST Missed Her."

Strewn; Late August

And Glory Floods my Soul

Saturday, September 17, 2011

And Lucidity Follows

body: swollen, sore 
surroundings chaotic                       
objects strewn on floor             
mind cluttered; (psychotic?)           
struggling to recall                          
examining an eye: contused.            
bruised; bemused.                            
What for?  
more importantly: how?                    
and where has memory crept?     
ashamed of itself, no doubt.               
from what ledge recollection leapt?      
desperation driven                                
despair propelled                                
my unwashed fear it smelled                 "
"Never going back" I vow.   
Cynthia Lott Vogel
all rights reserved
Sept. 17, 2011