Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I've done a lot of "impossible" things in my lifetime...

When I was 17 someone gave me a book for left handed people to teach them how to knit.  My mom said "You can't learn to knit from a book! It's impossible!"

well, I did.  And very well too....Before long I was designing my own sweater patterns and making them.

Then I went through many years of serious depression and mental illness.  I lived in a group home, which generally is a one way ticket to hopelessness. I was thirty years old and had had as many hospitalizations in the prior 12 years as I had years lived.  I was pretty much a hopeless wreckage of a person.  NOT marriage material, to be sure.

But I met a man,...and married him.  Everyone said, "It's impossible for that relationship to survive." Well, 22 years later...we are still together and kicking.

Then two years later, I had a beautiful baby girl...something else everyone thought was completely impossible.  Not only did I raise her...but I did a pretty good job of it!

In 2000 I lost my health to a severe case of fungal pneumonia which left me with damaged lungs...At one point due to the heavy doses of IV steroids needed to save my muscles became extremely damaged....I could not even sit unassisted and was completely wheelchair bound...despite long periods in a rehab working hard.  I was finally told that I would never walk again.

But two years later...I did.

I've recovered from life threatening events such as endocarditis, double, multiple pneumonia events, and spinal meningitis as well as two bouts of MRSA and multiple surgeries which are continuing to occur.  And in each instance, I 'bounced' back. Although I am finding it harder and harder to "bounce" I am nonetheless, crawling back.

All of this is NOT  a testament to MY own strength of will or body.  It is a testimony of God's love and provision.  Yes, I still have a serious mental illness.  But I have lived a full life despite it...had successes and experiences that NO one ever thought would be possible for me.

If I had just one thing to say to the midst of whatever "impossibility" you are facing it is this:
Get to know the God of the Impossible.  He can do impossible things in you too.

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