Cynthia Lott Vogel
O Adonai of the universe—Where are You?
I see Your hand all around me, the evidence of your gifts;
The footsteps of Your path form craggy ridges, crystal ice
Your voice calls in the howl and whisper of wind;
Elohim - you leave clues all about me. Everything
encompassing me
Shouts Your Glory!
You are lofty, grand beyond grasping.
You beckon and angels do your bidding.
But Lord, El Elyon—do you know?
Is your heart stirred by broken tears?
In the stillness, when clamor calms, I hear a whisper…
A voice, familiar and still not enough so.
El Roi, you see the tear treads of my path,
Not only do you see—You weep a duet.
El Shaddai: I have missed your presence…and that is
Lunacy because like moonlight soft
You surround my ways…There are shadows, but they are
Not obscure to you. They merely enhance
The luminescence of Your Presence.
When we commune; when my soul rises
Above its own height in worship….
Then my heart sings the descant to the
Gloria sung by creation

As rocks cry out and trees clap
Attesting to the Magnitude of Majesty
That goes before and follows after You.
Tears have their place, but next to You,
In sight of Your glory, are only spawned
By uncontainable joy and sorrow at what I’ve wasted
Searching for You Who already
Possess me and encompass me about.
High time to learn to walk in the Splendor of You;
To occupy that which already owns me,
And which is mine not by right but by declaration.
To grasp and to be gripped by this High Calling
And thus to walk, nevermore alone.