Tuesday, October 18, 2011

End Once; Begin Forever

I was listening to the Jars of Clay album (disc 2) called "Furthermore" tonight....and God gave me the words to this poem.  It came to my mind accompanied by very clear...very specific images.  These images will have to be drawn or custom photographed as I will never be able to find things suitable, which are already in existence.  I will work on that project as God grants me time and ability.  However, I want to share the words of my poem with you tonight...a project half complete...a sneak preview if you will....

The Art of Life has passed
Leaving dry ahes of dusty Death.

Brushing the chalk lines aside,
I glimpse-beyond the
       Walls that limit me, hinder me---
A View of a Light and Life;
                 Entrancing me
                 Compelling me
                 Bidding me:
                              Hope yet
For an end to this death expanse.

Grasp it.
        Touch it.
                  Taste it

Oh God,
       Please end this  and Carry me.
Let me breathe once the unhindered air;
Dance once with unlumbared legs;
Fly once with unfettered wings; 
Laugh once with unchoked joy.

Grasp me, God, and Twirl me in a Death spiral
                                                   Life embrace
A cartwheel into freedom that now
                                                   Eludes me,
But tantalizes and entices me.
                                                   Yearn yet
For an ending
So that what has not yet started
                                                  May yet---begin.
Cynthia Lott Vogel
All Rights Reserved

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