Friday, October 14, 2011

Talking to Abba...

Is there a prayer
Too audacious?
          Too courageous?
Have we not bold
And Pressing need?
          Presumptuous Desire?
If God permits these,
Certainly He encourages
Us to bring them to Him
To Handle and provide!

He is our Father—
And it is the task of a father
To provide for the needs of
The children
And his delight
To respond to their desires!
But when the Father
Knows the desire to be
Destructive or
Better met by another path.
We must then yield;
Acquiescing to His more complete

Nothing pleases our Father
More than when His children
Come in trust-or
                            without delay
Bearing their requests
In the chalice of faith
To lift to their Provider
          To be filled.
The sooner and the more
Persistently we come,
The more He is pleasured.

When we walk away from
A period of panicked prayer
          In calm contentment
That the response
          Is already realized;
          To await its arrival,
We delight our Father
With the artlessness of our Trust.

When we persist through
Long periods of seeming silence
          And apparent deafness
          To our need,
Plowing through doubt;
          Barring our heart to despair;
We honor Him—
          And He strengthens us. 

As we proceed
Through long and arduous days,
                         With our hearts continually
                                     Lifted in expectation
                                 Or our minds occupied in
            Conversation with our Creator,

We grow more familiar
          With His Voice;
More alert to His hand
          As it moves on our behalf.
It is then that we can                                   
Learn—and be moved to—            
A gratitude that
                       Suffuses our spirits
   With the delight of
                               Perceiving His Holy Hand
     As it moves through
                                Our days—
                                                          Never loosening its grip.

There is nothing else
Like the companionship of a father:
The perfect combination
          Of wisdom,
and Amicable companionship.

Cynthia Lott Vogel
all rights reserved


Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!! you have no idea how I needed this today. God has so gifted you with words my friend. Thank you for allowing Him to use this gift.

Cynthia Lott Vogel said...

I'm glad you were blessed by this today Caryn...I wasn't sure why I was choosing this today...but God knew evidently, of your need.